Gossip Girl這部戲,其實很妙

但要能說服觀眾已經不是一句three words,8 letters可以打發的
           然而S的個性因為刻意要與B分庭抗禮,而被編劇寫得過分走樣,和第一季裡D所愛上  天真又性感、如女神般存在的S已幾乎不是同一個人;D在他自己的著作The Inside裡為S下的註解,其實就像是一種感情的切割,要不是我覺得編劇一定會大炒BDS的三角戀,我肯定會將

和D在一起的B,不同:可愛、迷人、自信、任性。她肆無忌憚得表現所有一切最典型的『Blair Waldorf』,卻能被D笑而接納,曾幾何時,D的目光就一直追隨著B。與D在一起的B,不再是誰身後苦苦追趕著的影子,而是並肩前進的同伴。
那麼, 在D身邊獲得的全然肯定,豈不是更令人心安?

Brake the cycle
Last episode really gave me a lot of feelings. I don’t know how the GG writers manage to insert such beautiful scenes into overall mediocre show, but Serena/William scene and off course two Dair scenes made my heart ache. They just casually told us what we were saying for year - Dan is Blair’s center, he makes her happy and she is her real self with him.
上一集真的給了我許多感觸。我不知道Gossip Girl的編劇是如何在這堪稱平庸、乏善可陳的劇中安插了這些美好的劇情,但是Serena和William的父女情,以及(毋庸置疑)Dair之間,卻都的的確確觸動了我的心弦。
I really don’t know what show some people watch, but their talent of making up things and switching story meaning are remarkable. Because at this point I can’t understand what is let up for debate here - it’s just that crystal clear.
Chair = Blair’s weakness, darkness, she’s not herself anymore
3x17 - she whored herself out for a hotel.
3x18 - she’s so ashamed of herself that can’t even confide in her friends. “I can’t tell anyone, it’s too awful”. 
3x18 - 她羞於向朋友吐露自己的困境。『我不能告訴任何人,這太可怕了!』
4x07 - “Whenever Chuck’s around I just feel like a weak little girl“ 
4x07 -『無論何時,只要有Chuck在,我就覺得自己只是個小女孩!』
4x09 - As long as I’m with you I’m Hillary in White House and I want to be Hillary Secretary of State” 
4x16 - “I thought that if I could be the Blair Waldorf that I want to be a little sooner, that maybe I could return to Chuck before he fell for someone else. Tonight he’s thinking about a different girl. And meanwhile, I lost my job, I failed a test… I almost got my best friend’s mother arrested“ 
4x16 - 『我以為,如果我能更快一點稱為“那個Blair Waldorf”,那麼,或許我就可以在Chuck戀上別人之前,先回到他身邊。但今晚,他滿腦子想的都是另一個女孩。而與此同時,我不僅丟了我的工作,考試還被當了...我甚至還讓我最好朋友的媽媽被逮捕了!』
4x20 - “I should have known my past with Chuck would come back to haunt me. Do you know the last time I felt joy? Chuck had brought me into his darkness for so long I had forgotten what that felt like“ 
4x20 - 『我就知道,和Chuck的過去會如影隨形的在身邊困擾我。你知道我有多痛苦嗎?Chuck把我扯進他的黑暗中太久,到最後,我都不記得快樂的感覺是怎樣了』
4x21 - she’s masking her scar and lying that she hurt herself to protect Chuck’s psychotic behavior. In the same episode she tells Cyrus: “You may not be aware of this, but it’s not all light and bright in here. There are some places devoid of even a hint of sparkle. […] Chuck was the only one who ever did. But he couldn’t see the rest“ 
4x21 - 她為了遮掩Chuck那近乎精神病的行為,不惜將那些傷痕推託在自己身上。在同一集裡,她告訴繼父Cyrus:『你大概不懂,但這個世界不是只有光明。有些地方,有些人仍然會泯滅了所有光亮。Chuck是唯一一個會這麼作過的人,但他無法看到其他的東西。』
“I’ve loved Chuck for so long and he punished me for it. He treated me like something he owned, not like something he earned. And it destroyed me” 
“No matter what we do and how much we fight, it’ll always pull us in. What’s mere happiness in the face of all that, right?“ 
- Only there is nothing powerful about you right now. Ugh, you always get this way when you around Charlie Trout.
- I don’t know who I am without him, Sabrina. 
And now the latest confirmation:
- 現在的妳沒有一點主權力量,喔!只要是和Charlie Trout(Chuck Bass)扯在一起妳就老是這個樣子!
-我已經不知道沒有他,我到底是誰了 ,Sabrina(Serena).
“I don’t want to leave in someone else’s shadow anymore. I did it the whole year when I was with Louis and then with Chuck before that. I’m sick of being behind the scenes in the relationships” 
“You were right the problem wasn’t your success, it was me. Somehow between being traded for a hotel and selling out for a tiara I’ve lost my true self“ 


Dair = Blair strength, her center, she’s her real self with Dan
1x04 - she founds strength to confront her mother in grate part because of Dan.
1x04 -因為Dan,她找到了面對她那老是令人煩累的母親的力量
2x08 - Dan encourage her to say ILY to Chuck.
2x08 -Dan鼓勵她對Chuck說出那三個字.
3x02 - Dan tries to help her find her way in collage.
 3x02 - Dan試著幫她在大學裡找到自己的定位
3x10 - The Gaga Play - the only success Blair had at NYU.
3x10 - "女神卡卡秀"-Blair在紐約大學唯一的成就
4x12 - Dan’s “Dictator of taste” quote encourages Blair to focus on her career.
4x12 - "獨裁的品味論斷家"這是Dan為鼓勵Blair把目光重點擺在她的職業生涯,而為她這個人所下的註解
4x13 - she fights hard to get an internship at W: “I practically stalked Stefano. I spent the night in his lobby waiting to meet him. After the police escorted me out of the building for the third time, I faxed a letter to every machine in the building”. Then she refuses to scheme against Dan, because she already trusted him enough - a very strong move on her part.

4x17 -她努力爭取到了在[ W ]實習的機會:『我對Stefano死纏爛打,我徹夜等在他家樓下的大廳,就是為了堵到他。在警察第三次把我從這棟大樓“請”出去後,我還發了傳真到這棟大樓裡的每一架傳真機。』接著她決定不再使計策對付Dan,因為她已經極為信任他-這對她而言是一個不容易的事情。
- You’re too happy, content.
- I have found my center that’s all.

4x17 -她努力爭取到了在[ W ]實習的機會:『我對Stefano死纏爛打,我徹夜等在他家樓下的大廳,就是為了堵到他。在警察第三次把我從這棟大樓“請”出去後,我還發了傳真到這棟大樓裡的每一架傳真機。』接著她決定不再使計策對付Dan,因為她已經極為信任他-這對她而言是一個不容易的事情。

5x02 - Dan encourage her to take the pregnancy test and off course “Maybe it’s not blood bonds that make us a family. Perhaps it’s the people that know us and love us anyway. So we can finally be ourselves”
5x02 - Dan鼓勵她去做親子鑑定,而且想當然爾有那句Gossip Girl的名言『或許所謂的家人,不只是因著血緣才連結的,在何時、何事上都愛護且瞭解我們的人,也就是家人了。就因為這樣,所以我們終於能做真正的自己。』
5x03 - “I turned to you, Dan. Because I knew you were the only one who would protect me from my own worst instincts“ 
5x03 - 『我選擇來找你,Dan,因為我知道,你是唯一一個能阻止我不受我自身劣根性所驅使的人。』

- You’re Clair Carlyle! You’re in control of your own destiny… and most of Manhattans. You and Dylan have something even you and I don’t have. No matter how you treat him he cares about you, not in spite of who you are, but because of it. 
Dan loves me for me.

5x16 -『妳是Clair Carlyle!(Blair)  妳能主宰自己的命運...還有大半個曼哈頓。妳和Dylan之間擁有的東西的確是我所缺乏的。而且無論妳待他如何,他都是那麼關心妳,不是因為妳的身份,而是因為妳,就是妳。』
5x20 - “Our relationship isn’t about choosing one world or another. Our relationship is our world. We’re a team
5x20 - 『我們談戀愛並不需要硬是去選擇牽就那個階層。我們就是我們,我們是一個團隊!』

“For the first time in a long time I feel as if all is right in the Universe

You’re not behind the scenes with me. That’s what I love about us - we’re equals. Maybe you were so focused on how everyone else perceives you, that you no longer know who you are. And that’s too bad. ‘Cause if you could only see what I see”
I want to be found. Could you possibly help?
- I have a feeling that the real Blair Waldorf is a lot closer, than you think.Wasn’t that long when she and I was working side by side at W and I totally fell for her.
-我覺得那個「真正的Blair Waldorf」其實並沒有妳想像中的遙遠。就在不久之前,我和那個「她」還一同在『W』並肩作戰,而我還深深的愛上她。
- And what was that girl like?
- That girl is fiercely strong, independent, outspoken, beautiful, capable of anything no man or magazine can take that away from her.
- She sounds great. I look forward to meeting her again.
And as if that’s not enough here comes Safran and Leighton Meester herself saying:
然後,彷彿還説不夠似的,Safran(編劇)和Leighton Meester(Blair)本人都這樣說:
“It’s really allowing her to come into her own and grow in a great way, with Dan by her side, is someone who has always accepted that growth in her.Her relationship with Chuck has always been fraught with a little bit of antagonism, it’s been sexy and also they tried to be there for each other but then things get in the way. And here she finally has a guy who is like, you go off and do what you need to do and I’ll be here. It’s fun to see when she comes back into her own“ 

“At the same time, Dan “will continue help Blair rediscover Blair in a very sweet, good way,” the EP reminded us, noting that she’s finally broken the parameters of her relationships with Chuck and Louis. Blair gave up her control, her power in becoming a princess. Now that dream is over, for better or worse, and she’s finally breaking free and finding out who she is. And from the beginning, Dan was the one basically saying ‘I’ll be here always, I accept whoever you are.’
“I think she kind of is her real self with him”
So basically Leighton Meester, GG writers and the show itself episode after episode tell us that Blair’s growth, happiness, confidence and self-worth is tied to Dan, and on the contrary Chair relationship only led to destruction. I don’t know what other confirmation is needed.
And one more side note… Does this scene looks and sounds familiar?

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve totally got a feeling that writers was kind off mocking all those fans obsessing over couple’s chemistry. I think think that it’s really easy to play the “chemistry card”, but as we see it in Nate/Diana scene words mean nothing and chemistry mean nothing - you can say all this “magnetic” stuff and then leave the person after you used them. Real relationships are built on friendship, mutual trust and respect, on common interests and shared goals - chemistry is just a delightful bonus. And I guess I know a couple that has all this traits.

因此第一眼看見英國這款劍橋書包(Cambridge satchel)就大為驚艷
其實我覺得"Dan loves me for me." 會如此令B動容,其來有自
我已經厭煩了Gossip Girl裡雜亂無章、索然無味的劇情








到現在為止,經過了一個暑假、一個寒假,我由原先的7%上升到8% :D

